Monday, August 13, 2012

The Rules

Like I said in my last post, I like to go fast. Having a minivan has not detracted me from going fast by any means. I'm the fastest minivan out there. Maybe a little unsafe, but seriously, I live in Oregon, everyone is so flippin slow, you could go 55MPH and STILL be passing everyone! (On a 55MPH highway even).

So for some unknown reason (I kind of know's cause EVERYONE hates minivan drivers....including myself.) I still get cut off. A LOT. Daily. Often 2-3 times daily. Or more!

A few weeks ago, I was joking around saying I was going to start taking pictures of people who cut me off. It reminded me of the Happy Bunny magnet I have on my fridge (or used to...not sure if I still have it)- that says, "Let's Keep Notes on Who Pisses Us Off." Then after this said even took place a few different times, I decided I was going to do it.

My camera has the ability to load before my phone has been activated into any other screen- when this update happened, I realized I didn't know what I had done without it for many, many years! It has been amazing!

OK, so anyway, there are rules to my game, so that I can be fair and consistent. I don't ALWAYS get a picture of some drivers- I do try my best to keep my family and myself safe from any harm. Sometimes I'm on the phone (Bluetooth enabled car, which is also a perk), and sometimes I forget. However, I do get as many as I can.

The Rules
#1. I have to be going AT LEAST the speed limit, it not over- I understand that if I'm not going the speed limit, people have every right to cut me off.

#2. The person has to either squeeze their car in front of me, or at least come close enough that I feel unsafe.

#3. Said person has to use 1 or less blinker signals to alert me they are coming over. If they give me 2 or more, I figure that's fair warning.

#4. When there is  ample room behind me to get over and they very obviously speed up to get in front of me rather than just going behind when in a merging-ish situation.

Fair enough, right?

So this next post is going to have some pictures for you finally :)

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