Wednesday, August 15, 2012

I was so worried...

I start work again in a week (teacher jobs are seriously the only way to go- who else gets 3 months off during the summer, 2 weeks at Christmas and 1 at Spring Break? Best. Job. Ever.)- but anyway, I commute. I was driving out to "The School" yesterday to pick up something from my classroom (which I totally forgot and drove home dumb.) I was worried that people wouldn't cut me off on the commute. It's a straight road, not a ton of people travel it, and I leave really early, and come home before traffic times.

Honestly, most days, I'm sure I won't get cut off, but today...TODAY!!! I got cut off. It was so ridiculous, too.  Here's what happened- the speed limit is 55mph- so naturally, I'm going 65mph. We were about .5 miles from where it becomes a safety zone and you have to slow to 50mph. I'm in the right lane, doing my thing. I end up trying to still push it and go 55-60 through the zone- but I keep my eye out of those sneaky coppers! This car goes and CUTS ME OFF and is driving like FORTY-FIVE MILES PER HOUR! I had to seriously SLAM on my brakes so I wouldn't slam him. Best part? There was NO ONE behind me, barely anyone in front of me, and NO ONE behind him, OR in front of him. It was RIDICULOUS!

I laughed, got my safe distance behind him, and took the picture. Jerk.

(*Just for clarification, everyone will be a HIM unless I specifically see that it is a SHE. It's just easier that way...and chances are, it is a dude.)

1 comment:

Michele said...

Did you at least honk or give him the finger? I LOVE to honk.